Against the Wall is an American crime drama series starring Rachael Carpani, Kathy Baker, Marisa Ramirez, Brandon Quinn, Mayko Nguyen, Andrew W. Walker, Chris Johnson and Treat Williams. The series follows the life of Abby Kowalski, a 5 year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, who in order to pursue her dream career as a detective takes the only opening available; in the Internal Affairs Division. Abby’s decision to join the department’s internal affairs division puts her at odds with members of her own family, themselves members of the Chicago Police Department. Now Abby must find a way to do her job as an IAD detective without tearing her family apart.
This Chicago-set family drama follows a policewoman who causes a rift with her three cop brothers when she decides to join the department's Internal Affairs division.
Chris Johnson, Kathy Baker, Daniel Kash, Rachael Carpani, Marisa Ramirez, Treat Williams, Mayko Nguyen, Brandon Quinn, Andrew Walker, James Thomas, Steve Byers