Allegiance is a crime drama series that centers around the O’Connor family and their son, Alex (Gavin Stenhouse), a young idealistic CIA analyst specializing in Russian affairs. Unbeknownst to him, both of his parents and his sister are part of a dormant Russian sleeper cell that has just been reactivated. Stars Hope Davis, Scott Cohen, Gavin Stenhouse, Margarita Levieva, Morgan Spector, Alexandra Peters and Kenneth Choi. Adaptation of the Israeli spy drama series The Gordin Cell.
Alex O'Connor, a young idealistic CIA analyst specializing in Russian affairs, learns a shocking secret and his close-knit, affluent family is about to be split apart when it's revealed that his parents, Mark and Katya, are covert Russian spies deactivated decades ago. But today the Kremlin has re-enlisted them into service as they plan a terrorist operation inside the U.S. border that will bring America to its knees.