American Grit is an upcoming reality series that will premiere on Fox in 2016. Sixteen of the country’s toughest men and women will be split into four teams as they work together to face a variety of military-grade and survival-themed challenges. Cena and an elite group of mentors from the nation’s most exclusive military units will push these civilians beyond their limits. The mentors, known as “The Cadre”, include Rorke Denver, Noah Galloway, Tawanda “Tee” Hanible and Nick “The Reaper” Irving. These real-life heroes, who represent diverse backgrounds and top branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, will impart their first-hand knowledge and experience to help the competitors work together as teams to surmount near impossible mental and physical challenges. American Grit embodies the military ethos “no man left behind,” because only the first team to complete the challenges together is safe from elimination. Each episode will culminate in “The Circus,” a punishing, endurance-based obstacle course designed to break the weakest competitors. With up to a million dollars of prize money at stake, this is the ultimate test of strength, grit, the human spirit and most importantly, teamwork. The series is produced by Leftfield Pictures.The series will star WWE Superstar John Cena. Fox have ordered 10 episodes.
American Grit contestants will be mentored by "The Cadre," made up of military members who, along with Cena, will push their civilian charges throughout the competition. The Cadre consists of: Navy Seal trainer, Rorke Denver; Purple Heart recipient, U.S. Army veteran Noah Galloway; Veteran U.S. Marine Gunnery Sergeant, Tawanda “Tee” Hanible; and U.S. Army Ranger sniper, Nick “The Reaper” Irving.
Most Recent Episode: American Grit Season 2 Episode 10:
Who's Got Grit? (Air Date: