An American drama-horror-suspense series from Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. The first season of the American Horror Story follows the lives of the Harmon family, Ben, Vivien and Violet, who move from Boston to Los Angeles after Ben has an affair. The family moves to a decrepit mansion, unaware that the once noble home is haunted and known as the “murder house.” The second season of American Horror Story is dubbed as “American Horror Story: Asylum” which story surround the horror inside the mental facility of Briarcliff. The said season comprises various sightings of evil possessions, madness, tortures, ghosts, aliens and serial murders. The third season of the series is dubbed as “American Horror Story: Coven” which centers with center the coven of witches that relocated from Salem, Massachusetts to New Orleans, Louisiana before The Salem Witch Trials. The 4th season is entitled as “American Horror Story: Freak Show” which story revolve around the remaining side show “Freak Show” right after the dawn of television and the horrifying events inside their show tents. Meanwhile, 5th season was given a title of “American Horror Story: Hotel” which follows the story of the murders and mysteries inside Hotel Cortez. The sixth season of AHS is entitled American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare. The season 7 is the series is dubbed as American Horror Story: Cult.
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house with a murderous past, an asylum, a witch coven, a freak show, a hotel, a farmhouse in Roanoke, a cult, the apocalypse and a summer camp.
Finn Wittrock, Lady GaGa, Connie Britton, Dylan McDermott, Zachary Quinto, Angela Bassett, Chloë Sevigny, Michael Chiklis, Lizzie Brocheré, Kathy Bates, Wes Bentley, Denis O'Hare, James Cromwell, Joseph Fiennes, Evan Peters, Cheyenne Jackson, Sarah Paulson, Matt Bomer, Angela Bassett, Lily Rabe, Denis O'Hare, Sarah Paulson, Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Jessica Lange, Evan Peters, Jessica Lange, Taissa Farmiga, Evan Peters, Frances Conroy, Lily Rabe, Kathy Bates, Emma Roberts, Jessica Lange, Denis O'Hare, Sarah Paulson, Denis O'Hare, Evan Peters, Taissa Farmiga, Frances Conroy, Emma Roberts, Sarah Paulson, Kathy Bates
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haunted house
school of witchcraft
serial killer
coven (akelarre)
freak show
erotic thriller
horror anthology
supernatural horror
period piece
psychological horror
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