Australian Survivor

Australian Survivor
A television series based on the popular reality show Survivor. The series was filmed in November and December 2001 and aired weekly from 13 February – 15 May 2002 on Australia’s Nine Network. It was set at Whaler’s Way, an Eyre Peninsula coastal nature reserve in Port Lincoln, South Australia in the Great Australian Bight, where numerous ships had sunk off the coast in the past. This set up the nautical theme of the series. Australian Survivor sees 24 tough and tenacious people marooned on a tropical island with little more than the clothes on their backs and the drive to be the sole survivor. Contestants are deprived of basic comforts and must build their own shelter, light their own fires, gather their own food and fend for themselves.

Most Recent Episode: Australian Survivor Season 11 Episode 24: Episode 24 (Air Date: 3/19/2024)

Premiere Date: February 20, 2002
Air Time: 7:30 pm
Country: AU
Air Day: Sunday
Season 11: Specials Episodes

Watch video clips & trailers

Australian Survivor Heroes VS Villains Sneak Peek - (HD)

Australian Survivor Heroes VS Villains Sneak Peek - (HD)

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