Backstrom is an American crime drama series that centers on Everett Backstrom, an overweight, offensive, irascible detective, as he tries, and fails, to change his self-destructive behavior. Stars Rainn Wilson, Genevieve Angelson, Page Kennedy, Kristoffer Polaha, Dennis Haysbert, Beatrice Rosen, and Thomas Dekker.
Detective Lieutenant Everett Backstrom is a man with no filter. After a five-year exile to the traffic division for offensive behavior, he has returned from disgrace to lead Portland's newly minted S.C.U. Tasked with navigating the city's most sensitive and serious cases, he must solve each crime as he tries, and fails, to change his own self-destructive behavior. Based on renowned Swedish criminologist and novelist Leif G.W. Persson’s hit series of books of the same name.