Being Mary Jane series centers on successful talk show host Mary Jane Paul (played by Gabrielle Union), her professional and private family life, while searching for “Mr. Right.” It was previously titled Single Black Female and features Gabrielle Union, Lisa Vidal, Margaret Avery, Omari Hardwick, Richard Brooks, B.J. Britt, Latarsha Rose, Raven Goodwin, Aaron D. Spears and Richard Roundtree.
Mary Jane Paul is a one-woman-show: a successful TV news anchor, and an entirely self-sufficient powerhouse who remains devoted to a family that doesn't share her motivation. Intense drama and unforgettable moments unfold as Mary Jane juggles her life, her relationships, her work, and commitments to her family.
Gabrielle Union, Lisa Vidal, Latarsha Rose, Raven Goodwin, Aaron D. Spears, Margaret Avery, Richard Brooks, Stephen Bishop, Omari Hardwick, Richard Roundtree, B.J. Britt