The Chase

The Chase
Watch TV Series. The Chase is a heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Each hour-long episode is a fast-paced battle of brainpower, where contestants are challenged to think faster than they ever thought possible to answer up to 166 questions across all topics. A heart-racing quiz show where three competitors must pit their wits and face off against the Chaser, a ruthless quiz genius determined to stop them from winning cash prizes. Each episode is a fast-paced battle of brainpower, where contestants are challenged to think faster than they ever thought possible to answer up to 166 questions across all topics.

Most Recent Episode: The Chase Season Episode : (Air Date: )

Premiere Date: January 7, 2021
Casts: Sara Haines, Ken Jennings, Brad Rutter, James Holzhauer, Mark Labbett
Air Time: 10:00 pm
Country: US
Air Day: Wednesday
Labels: watch the chase series online
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Introducing The Chase

Introducing The Chase

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